
The choir had a day trip to Cambridge in September 2024

Upcoming events

We are already planning events for 2025
- watch this space....

Recent Events

a photo of choir leaders Simon and Bjorn Sigurd

See Facebook
for more photos and videos.

In January 2024 the choir welcomed visiting Norwegian conductor
Bjørn Sigurd Skjelbred,
who ran 3 workshops teaching us 3 new songs,
two of which he had arranged.
We shared these experiences with members of 'ECS Singers' and 'Singing for Pleasure'.

Autumn term 2023

Tuesday December 19th at 6.30 pm - Carols at The Stratford Haven
Monday December 18th - Carols at The Lodge, Welbeck Road (Private function)
Wednesday December 13th  - Carols at Meadow Covert
Sunday December 5th -  Carols in Hollygate Park, Cotgrave for Tara's Angels
Sunday 26th November -  Afternoon Concert at West Bridgford Methodist Church
September 22nd - 24th 2023 : Choir trip to York
(see Facebook and Blog for more details and photos)

Summer Term 2024

Village Voices - April 20th - a visiting choir from Yorkshire
(choir only with social)
VI-SN (small group - private event) - April 25th

Run/cycle/walk/swim/row - May 18th Fundraiser for Joint Choir Charities - with ECS (see separate page  and a few photos below) 

Musters Road Open Gardens - June 16th (Photos below)

WBSS & ECS Singers Combined male voices revisit Ecton Mine - July 19th
(see our Ecton Mine page)

Summer Concert at Jesse Gray Primary School - 'where it all started'

Autumn Term 2024

Day trip to Cambridge - September 7th 2024
(see our Facebook page and Jan's Blog for more details and photos)

Wedding - September 21st (private event in Beeston)

Annual General Meeting - September 24th

The sun came out for us.
We sang 12 songs from our repertoire.

Peace, Shallow, Here comes the sun, Mykk Vind, Can’t help falling in love, Thousand years, Praise you, Fields of Gold, Cysga Di,

Caledonia (solo Robin), Run & Hallelujah 

Thanks to Kate and Martin for opening their garden.

Part of the Musters Road Open Gardens day. All funds raised went to The Friary.

A few photos of the cyclists & runners, with the walking group and Tim on his rowing machine.