A word from our Musical Director - Simon Thompson
Every Tuesday (during term-time) we meet in the Church Hall from 7.30 pm, aiming for a prompt 7.45 pm start. We stand in our Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (SATB) groups in a horseshoe shape to allow easy interaction and listening. Most of our songs are divided up into these four groups and each group will have chance to sing on their own at times and with other parts e.g., Sopranos and Altos may sing together and Tenors and Basses.
New members are ‘buddied up’ with an experienced choir member to help them settle in and we start off with some fun physical and vocal exercises, migrating to a song ‘in the round’ or a simple warm up song in the SATB parts.
In the second part of rehearsals, we sing a well-known song before working in more detail on new songs or those requiring a bit more practice.
All the songs we sing, along with lots of past ones and warm ups are stored on our Google Drive which is a really useful tool to listen to and practice with in your own time. Our rehearsals are also recorded, and the links sent to members weekly to aid our memories!
Rehearsals include a short break, usually around 9pm, and this allows us to share important news and messages from the Chair and the Committee.
We then finish off with a ‘banger’ (a well-known song) to send us all home with a smile. Some of our members continue the social aspect of choir with a visit to a local pub – The Stratford Haven.
Speaking of refreshments, we also recommend bringing along a bottle of water to the rehearsals as it can be thirsty work!
Some of our members' comments about our choir’s structure and performances are shown below:
‘I was welcomed from the moment I joined 'have a go' and have been so well looked after since then by everyone, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself, loved all the songs and the challenges they bring, and have come away every week feeling quite exhilarated.’
‘I just wanted to say thank you for the absolute joy joining the choir has brought to me. This choir is special and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made.’
‘It’s an uplifting and life affirming experience and is so good for everyone’s mental health.’
We perform regularly and often support local groups and charities such as ‘Open Gardens’, the 'Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance', churches and volunteer groups. Recently we have supported a special needs school, local Brownies, ‘Vision’ and ‘@FosteringPeople’ in workshops, with the students and members singing alongside our choir members.
We also sing in pubs, especially around Christmas and New Year and throughout the year we link up with other choirs and musical directors from both near and far.
We have a wide and varied repertoire (see the document below) and members work hard to present concert material to a high standard.
Members' feedback on the recent concerts included these comments:
‘As a ‘newbie’ I wanted to say how proud I was to be part of such a fabulous event yesterday - my guests were very impressed. I know that these sorts of events take a lot of work and everyone I spoke to was appreciative of how much work had gone into making it such a success.’
‘We are truly so lucky to be members of such a vibrant group who enjoy being together whether it be to perform for the enjoyment of others or to socialise together and have fun!’
‘It was my first concert, I enjoyed myself. Loved performing and it was great to see the other choirs.’